New Congressional Legislation would deny access to the courts, and full justice to Millions.
New Congressional Legislation would deny access to the courts, and full justice to Millions
The U.S. House of Representatives is considering six anti-civil justice bills that would strip Americans and small businesses of their legal rights, take power away from local juries (while consolidating that power in the hands of DC politicians), and jeopardize our public health, safety and economic security. Follow these links to read more about these bills including group coalition letters opposing them and Huffington Post blogs explaining more about each one.
Below are links to content provided by Joanne Doroshow at the Center for Justice & Democracy.
- Group Letter to House Judiciary Committee Opposing Civil Justice Bills
- Group Letters Opposing the FACT Act, H.R. 906, Veterans Group Letter
- Group Letters Opposing the FACT Act, H.R. 906, Victims Letter
- Group Letters Opposing the FACT Act, H.R. 906, Privacy Group Letter
- Group Letters Opposing the FACT Act, H.R. 906, Occupational Safety and Health Letter